MMA Fight Club
Want to know the secrets to professional MMA training. MMA Fight club is for a martial arts school owner or students who want to condition like MMA fighters and learn the most common techniques and combinations used in MMA fighting. You can use it as an add on program at your school or a training program for you and friends that is fun and safe. Serious fighters will need to train professionally after going through the program.
The program is broken down into easy sections and class plans to follow and master. **All class plans and workouts are on DVD to follow and CD so you can print them out to use over and over.
Training Sections
Warm Up Drills
Kickboxing Techniques and Drills
Muay Thai Techniques and Drills
Take Downs and Positions
Locks and Counters
Core Training
Amateur and Professional Conditioning Workouts
Workouts– (45 minute to 1 hour workouts)
Muay Thai
MMA Complete workouts
Class Plans
8 weeks to a fight (6 days a week work out plan)
3 Month Cycle (For BBC, Masters, Leadership)
1 Year Rotating Program
1 Week MMA Camp
2 Week MMA Camp
MMA Night
The program includes a how to section that educates you on how to start the program in your school, what prices to charge, and the variety of ways to use the program and sell it at your facility.
The program was created by Roland Osborne and Carl Mascarenhas (New Breed Fighters). Carl is a MMA professional fighter, head coach and MMA promoter.